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High Heels

Some people think that you are wearing high heels, because you think high of yourself,
Some other think, people wear high heels because they want to look stylish, looking young, or to make you look little bit sexy or looking taller, whatever.. 
And some other think,
People who wear high heels looks arrogant,
Look like a very rich person,
Looking like a diva..
But let me tell you this,
I am not a person who think high of myself, ok inn syaa Allah,
Neither a person who like to style myself, i know i am old enough when people thought that i am a mother of my 13 years old brother when i am at 14. Like what the... 🙄
I know i am far away from being sexy when all i'm wearing is baju kurung, and sometime a blouse with a very long and big skirt. 
I am not wearing high heels to look taller when I'm just 155 cm at my 22 ages.. 
Neither do I wear it to look slim when the scales almost go crazy because of my weight,
I am not a rich person, neither a Diva.
I am just a normal person,
Who try my best to be the best..
Honestly, my honest thought throughout this talk,
Wearing high heels make me feel confident..
Confident enough to face others, 
Wearing high heel make me believe in myself,
Wearing high heels make me walk strongly, proudly..
Though , at some point, I even slip because of my high heels,
Even sometime, I stumble, finding its hard to stand and I fall because of these high heels, 
Its embarrassing.. 
But its never make me want to stop wearing high heels. 
I would say,  high heels is my proud, 
My sence of womanity, MAYBE
It makes you weak, abuse your legs, hurting your foot, but at the same time, wearing high heels, boost my confident, enough to step further. 
And that is my story of THE high heels 👠 
It sound childish, 
Sounds boring, 
Sounds gibberish, 
Like, gosh what are you talking about, 
What are you doing, 
Are you nuts talking about high heel out of all things that exist, 
Are you that free, thinking about this rubbish when theres so many other things that you have to concern about, 
Oh yes, let me tell you another thing, 
Im 22, and Im tired with what people want to say bout me, 
If that makes you happy, do it. Say it. Face it. As long as you know that its not a wrong thing to do, as long as you believe that its not contrary with what your religion teaches you, 
After all, you yourself, your life have to go through it.. Be confident. Strive for your own happiness. 

Oh ya. That's just a picture. Not even my shoes, just found it in Pinterest. Fun fact, I prefer it flat, FLAT HIGH HEELS, well enough to support my weight. But, isn't it so beautiful. I fell in love with THIS PICTURE the moment I saw it. Wish to have this on my wedding.. Huhu, just kidding. And this is my 'long time ago' poem specifically 6 mac 2020. Thats it. Daa. 


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